Tuesday 15 November 2016

2 minute film open

For our two minute film opening, we were given the task of filming a film opening at a beach along the pier. It had to include older people, an apple and fancy dress.
However when we got to the beach we managed to film a 15 second clip and then the camera's battery died. We where under the impression that we were not allowed to film on our phones so we didn't.
From this we have learned that for the real thing we need to be a lot more organised and professional as we spent money on getting to the coast but where unable to complete the task.
Due to this task failing, we have improvised on a new film opening.
Monday 31st of October (Halloween), we are going into the city centre, filming in the dark and using Amelia as the main character. The plot is a girl (Amelia Gilbert) will walk down the city centre with headphones in listening to the song 'scary' by Stomrzy and the people in fancy dress and masks will be walking past and some get in her face. Parts of the opening will be shot showing Amelia walking, however other parts will use the camera shown as Amelia's eye shot. She will act nervous as she is being a young girl walking in a city centre at night on Halloween with people in masks popping up to her. This idea is a lot more accessible for everyone to do and I personally think this idea will be more successful.

The filming took 2 hours to complete, and the next day we cam back to sixth form and transferred it onto the computer and started to edit it. This idea was more accessible however I still think the other initial idea would of looked better, however we have learned from our last mistake and our actual task we will be a lot more prepared and organised.

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