Monday 24 April 2017

evaluation question 1


In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

 1st - In the first frame there is a screenshot of our production company. I thought it was important to add this picture into the evaluation of this question because it develops forms and conventions of real media products as at the beginning of most other films it comes up with which company is producing the film and which company it is made from, therefore it insinuates on how people wouldn't be able to copy the film or forward it without knowing that it isn't there's due to the fact that the company is placed at the beginning of each film. Another reason why i have added this frame into the evaluation is because it helps break up the two minutes for the film opening and helps to inform the audience who it is produced for and that we have come up with a successful name for our film.

2nd - The second frame takes up most of the 2 minutes Of our film whilst the voice over helps make the audience understand why we have used this time lapse as a base for the opening scene. This section develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products because this is a unique way of expressing what our film is actually about. It also helps describe where the location is and where our film is based. 

3rd - The 3rd image helps represent who the film is made by. This challenges forms and conventions of media products because it shows who has made the film. It will also help identify the fact that no one else has made the film, again linking in with copy right. The background also insinuates on what type of area the film is based in, so you can identify that it is in a busy town, near local stores and banks which are used everyday.

4th - This is our film title. This helps break up the opening 2 minutes because during the opening scene of a film you need to know what the film is called. This took up roughly 6 seconds of our video which also helped us fill the 2 minute requirement. This challenges the forms and conventions of media products because no other film would have the same title as this one. It implies that we have thought of a successful film name from our own ideas instead of using somebody else's film name from a different producing company. The music after the title appears changes also and this indicates a sense of shock for the audience because it brings you back to the reality that there are rundown areas within areas of towns.

5th - In the 5th frame there is a change of location, implying that our film was not completely based in the same place throughout the whole of the opening 2 minutes. This also helps explain the idea that areas are run down in wealthy places and not everywhere is perfect. This also has the name of others who also helped produce the film and made it how it is now. 

6th - "        " This 6th frame explains what i have said for the above frame apart from the fact that we have used someone else's name who also helped make and produce the film. Moreover, again the location has changed again. The idea of the location change also helps spread out the film and make the audience not feel confused and board on one of the same picture scenes. 

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