Tuesday 20 September 2016

Practise Task (homeless)


Initial ideas of location:

Castle Mall gardens, central Norwich.

Image result for castle mall gardens norwich

We considered this a good location because it is on a hill, which has to be part of our production, it also has a lot of benches which is what we need for one of our characters.
It is also a nice location and would look nice on camera, however only if the weather is nice which is not a guarantee.
Its a public park so everyone and anyone can use it, so access would not be an issue.
However the problem with this location is the fact that it is a public park in the central city could mean there are a lot of people there which could impact on if we even got a bench or if there is a space available. If there are big groups of people there, then it could possibly be too loud and also ongoing city traffic constantly going past could impact the sound of the production.

Mousehold Heath, North east Norfolk.

Image result for mousehold heath

We considered this location, as its a public place so easy accessible, however its a bug park so there is a lot of space, and the surrounding area would make our production look good. It is away from main roads, so there would be no noise pollution from traffic. The only problem with this location is that it is a hard location to get too.
It is also a more convincing location to walk the dog, instead of in the main city, and its a good location for any type of weather, however it is too hard to get too, for the producers and cast.

The Tiffey, Wymondham, Norfolk

Image result for the tiffey wymodham

Our group all decided this was the best location for our short film production. It is on a hill, very local so easy to access, and will also not be busy in the day and no noise pollution from surrounding traffic will disturb the sound of the film. There are no problems with this location as it also has a bench on top of the hill, which is perfect for what we want.  


The plot of our production for the first 2 opening minutes is quite simple, its going to be focused on a homeless alcoholic who is passed out on a bench at the top of a hill, with a bottle of vodka in a brown paper bag. A young female will walk by, and see him passed out and will approach him to see if he is okay, which will lead to the drunk becoming very aggressive towards the young women who is merely just looking out for his wellbeing. However at the start of the film we will take shots of the individuals, the women walking up the hill towards the bench, and the homeless man lounging around on the public bench.

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