Monday 12 September 2016

Preliminary Task

1. The 180 Degree Rule
The 180 degree rule is a rule stating that a camera should be placed somewhere inside 180 degrees on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing two people filmed in sequence. In the context of the task the 180 degree rule helped to focus on the conversation between the two people and their relationship as friends. 
Image result for what is the 180 degree rule

2. Match-on-action
Match on action is an editing technique used to portray the action of someone in separate shots.  An example of match on action is someone walking through a door., being shown opening the door from behind but then the next immediate shot is the door opened from the other side.

3.Shot/Reverse shot
A shot/reverse shot, is a technique that is usually used when two people are having a conversation, it's were it goes from a single shot of one person in the scene to the other and then back to the other person, which helps emphasis the significance of the conversation. - an example of shot/reverse shot from the wolf of wall street.

 4.How did the preliminary go?
I personally found that the preliminary exercise went well because I knew the people who were in the video, so I found it easy to tell them to do things again, and if they were doing something wrong I did not feel uncomfortable telling them how to correct it. The location was good, and we did not disturb surrounding classes. However the plot of the video could of been improved as their was nothing much to it, just a casual, boring conversation between two friends. My media partner used her own camera, so because it was her own it was very easy to film because she knew exactly how to use it and helped me use it also.

5.What would you change if you had the chance to do the task again?
The only thing I would change about the video is the plot, I would try to make it more interesting instead of such a simple conversation.  

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